Germany: 1st body painting event at the Beach Club Leubingen

On June 29, 2024
Categories: other Activities
Hits: 1053

The event will feature 13 artists from the Thuringia area, nationwide and internationally, who will delight the audience with bright colors under the theme: “Water Creatures”.

 Supporting program:
- Dance sports club Sömmerda performs a program
- Pyrovision with BlackCat & The Bastler (evening program)
- DJ all day from the official opening
- Around 5 p.m. presentation of the artists' finished body paintings, with a stage program from the models
- Fashion show by the “Fashion with Style” store
- Photo section
- Body Marbling

Children's program:
- Children's entertainment (bouncy castle)
- Face painting & glitter tattoos

 Ticket: 5 Euro (Kids until 16 years having free entrance)


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