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Bodypainting Festival Hvar - Results and Review

The Bodypainting Festival Hvar, supported by the World Bodypainting Association, has once again proven to be a spectacular celebration of art and creativity. Held on June 8th and 9th 2024, showed success, offering a vibrant and engaging experience set against the breathtaking backdrop of Hvar Island.

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Venice in Vivid Colours Burano revealed by performing art

Discover the captivating world of Burano through the stunning artwork of Elena Tagliapietra, beautifully complemented by the insightful texts of Silvia Zanella and introduced by Alberto Toso Fei.

Immerse yourself in a visual journey where painted bodies and vibrant colors blend seamlessly to evoke emotion and narrative. From the iconic colorful houses to the intimate stories of its inhabitants, this book offers a unique perspective on the Venetian island of Burano. Experience the artistry and depth of Elena Tagliapietra's work as she explores themes of identity, community, and the enduring spirit of a place. Discovering new layers of meaning and reflection with each page makes this book a truly enriching experience for all.

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In loving memory of Dirk Hartung

Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to a beloved and very special member of our bodypainting family in March.

Dirk Hartung was a passionate photographer who came into contact with the art form of bodypainting over 20 years ago and was fascinated by it until the end of his life.

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Winners of the WBF Photo Award 2023

The 2023 World Bodypainting Festival saw notable changes, moving to the Messearena Klagenfurt in September, marking a shift towards a heightened artistic focus. Despite the venue and date change, the World Championship for Bodypainting and Makeup Artists remained a central attraction, drawing hundreds of teams worldwide to Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria. The event's emphasis on artistry also attracted numerous photographers eager to capture the ephemeral beauty of the artworks.

Traditionally, one of the last awards to be given are those of the WBF Photo Award 2023.


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